北京精科华腾科技有限公司 孔经理
DL INSTRUMENTS 电流前置放大器1211
MODEL 1211
The Model 1211 Current Preamplifier was designed to provide all of the features required of a modern laboratory preamplifier. It measures current with full scale sensitivity ranging from 10-2 to 10-12 amperes. With a dynamic range of 96dB and output stability better than 0.003% .
The classic analog design provides a clean signal without the high frequency “hash” encountered with microprocessor based designs employing multiplexed front panes displays. The wide gain bandwidth product permits calibrated, front panel rise timesettings from 10μsec to 1 second.
The 1211 has a 600Ω output, a 50Ω output and a zero Ω unity gain (converter) output. It may be gated off and on by a TTL Level Pulse at a rear panel connector at a rate up to 5 kHz for input overload suppression, etc.
Other convenience features include a 0-5 volt adjustable detector bias supply with 100ppm per ℃stability and calibrated current suppression of 10-3 to 10-10 amperes in 8 ranges.
The unit may be battery operated with the addition of the Option 10 Battery Pack.
This allows the unit to run on batteries only, line power only, or
while recharging from the line. Fast charge and trickle charge rates are switch selectable. External battery modification option M104 is also available so customer may use their own DC power supply to power the unit.